Thursday, April 29, 2010

Summer Time for Caffeine Junkies

Once upon a time I managed a coffee shop. In addition to gaining 20 lbs within a year of working there I developed a high tolerance to caffeine. I remember opening the shop at 4:30a and then driving home around 2p with 6 shots of espresso and some syrup in a cup. Right when I got home I'd take a nap to catch up on sleep.

I still love coffee but can barely put down a full cup of coffee without getting "the shakes." I usually switch my caffeine intake from coffee in the colder months, to iced tea in the summer. Most of the time I'll microwave a mug of water for 2 minutes and then add a tea bag. I let it steep for 5 minutes then pour it over ice in a big plastic cup (I've had too many glasses crack from the change in temperature). I like making it myself for a couple different reasons.

#1 It's cheaper than buying premade iced tea. I can buy a box of 16 Lipton tea bags for a dollar or if I want green tea I'm stuck on Zen green tea by Tazo brand at around $5 for 20 bags if you get it from Starbucks.

#2 I don't like how every iced tea you buy is pre-sweetened whether it be from sugar or artificial sweetener. I like my tea strong and not coated in sugar thank you!

#3 There are so many health benefits to drinking tea (especially green) They improve your immune system, reduce free radicals in your body and raises your metabolism.

To make 2 quarts of iced tea you will need
6 cups of water
8 black(or breakfast) tea bags
1/4 cup of sugar (optional)

Bring the 6 cups of water to a boil and then remove from heat. Add the tea bags and allow to steep for at least 5 minutes. You can leave them in longer, or use 2 more bags if you prefer a stronger tea. Remove tea bags. Add sugar if desired and allow to cool for at least 30 minutes. This is something you can leave for a while if you're doing some house hold work or fixing a chicken marinade like I was earlier.

Pour tea into a 2 quart container and add either ice or cold water to the tea. Refrigerates well for about a week.

I found this cool container at the supermarket today and it reminded me of the type of thing my grandmother would keep milk in so it was easier to pour into her coffee. Obviously here's was only about 2 cups in volume. Enjoy those summer picnics!

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