Friday, May 21, 2010

Homemade broth

I decided to take a crack at making some chicken stock since I had all the ingredients on hand after removing the meat from a whole chick I cooked a few days before. I brought out my crockpot and filled it half way with water. As the meat was removed from the bones the skins, fats, and bones went in the pot. I bought a package of "soup greens" which was pretty economical, it contained a carrot, one celery stalk, on parsnip, dill and cilantro and a turnip. I chopped those all up and threw them in with the chicken bones. The water simmered overnight and made a pretty flavorful broth. Once the time did it's work I removed all the bones and skin and threw them out. I end up adding a about 2 tablespoons of salt to bring out more of the flavors. Here's my secret step.

All of the extra chicken meat was cubed and measured out into 1 cup portions for freezing.

After the pot simmered I let it cool for a couple hours on the counter then refrigerated the stock. Once it was cold a lot of the extra fat congealed at the top of the liquid making it easy to scoop off and throw in the trash. I don't need all that extra oiliness in my soups!

The next day I wanted to test out my broth and threw together a quick soup. I boiled some pasta and once cooked drained the water added the stock and veggies and then finally some of that cubed frozen chicken.

It tasted as good as it looks.

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